
Ndovoini community is located in Machakos county. The community has a population of approximately 28,517 within an area of approximately 316.2 Sq. Km. The place is rated as a rural metropolitan area. Apart from the traditional religions, the area is majorly dominated by Christian religion.

The main economic activities in the area are farming (dependent on rain) and livestock keeping. Though illegal, some people also do sand harvesting to generate income.

Some of the community’s challenges include; lack of employment, school dropouts, early marriages and unpredictable weather patterns affecting farming.

The school has created an opportunity for vulnerable children to access quality education, spiritual nourishment and health services. Our center also offers employment opportunities to church/community members which has raised the community’s economic status.

Through our micro-finance and skills training program, families have been empowered and this has reduced dependency syndrome.

Our Challenge is Poverty

Poverty comes in all forms, physical, spiritual, emotional, relational, economic. It robs people of their basic needs— food, clean water, sanitation, healthcare, and education. It destroys hope, purpose, and self-worth. It infects hearts with isolation, apathy, dependency, disconnection, and addiction. Poverty is life fallen short of God’s intent.